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Information in accordance with §5 of the E-Commerce Act, §14 of the Unternehmensgesetzbuch, §63 of the Commercial Code and disclosure requirements under §25 of the Media Act.


Sophie Baumgartner
Sophie Baumgartner
Friesgasse 7/37
1150 Vienna

Object of the company: Fashion-/Costumedesign
GLN: 9110028634383
GISA: 33278063

Phone: +4367762430953

Member of: WKO
Laws re. professions: Gewerbeordnung:

Supervisory/Trade authority: Magistrat der Stadt Wien
Job title: Mode-/Kostümdesigner, Damen-/Herrenkleidermacher
Awarding country: Österreich



Source: Created with the Impressum Generator by AdSimple

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